Here are a few pictures of some of the pockets I’ve made. These are all either custom orders, gifts, or ready-mades for my Etsy shop. They’re all fully lined with a strong cotton bagged-out lining, mostly machine sewn with some hand-sewn details. I love making custom pockets and I’m always happy to discuss commissions
An English Paper Pieced patchwork pocket, made from scraps of Kaffe Fassett fabric. This was a lovely hand sewing project Cotton ticking, fully lined A custom order. The request was for strong colours, the rest was left up to me This is a patchwork pocket that I’ve tie-quilted. You can see the ties – they look like tiny tassels. Simple blue and green woven, fully lined A custom order. I suggested Suffragette colours and it turned out so well I’ve added this as a made-to-order in my shop One for my daughter 🙂 Cotton and linen Kaffe Fassett stripes Silk can be tricky to work with but it’s so gorgeous Fully hand-sewn patchwork pocket, linen fabric and thread, fully lined and quilted, using 18th century techniques. A labour of love I only use remnants and recycled fabric in my pockets. I didn’t have enough of the print fabric here, so had to improvise a bit A tie-quilted patchwork pocket This was a custom order to hold a particular phone and to co-ordinate with the owner’s pyjamas!