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Thankyou for coming to my site! Feel free to have a look round – or visit my Etsy shop to buy a pdf or print copy of my Imogen Pocket pattern
Why should you make and wear a tie-on pocket?
…because I’ll bet the pockets in your clothes are either way too small, or don’t even exist.

Tie-on pockets were a staple of western women’s clothing until the late 19th century. They were tied around the waist using linen or cotton tapes, usually worn under the skirts, and were accessed via an opening in the side seam of the skirt. They were roomy, practical, and unlike modern pockets, they were designed to hold more than a single tissue and some seething frustration.
In the 20th century, clothing silhouettes got slimmer, and skirts were less voluminous. Tie-on pockets became obsolete, and the powers that be (i.e. the modern clothing industry) seemed to decide that women’s clothing didn’t need useable pockets.
Well, they were wrong. And if they won’t put pockets in our clothes, we’ll sort it out ourselves.
This tie-on pocket is sturdy, easy to make and doesn’t require much fabric.
It has a front lining, enclosed seams with simple decorative top-stitching and waist ties. It’s a perfect hand sewing project for any level of confidence. You can also machine sew it if you prefer.
It’s called Imogen after my daughter, who’s been vocal about the useless pockets in her clothes since she was a toddler.
I’d love to see what you make – find me on Instagram, Threads, Facebook – I’m all over the place as hamblemouse.